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How to Start an LLC in Texas



How to Start an LLC in Texas

How to Start an LLC in Texas is not the same as how to start a business in any other state. There are several differences that need to be taken into consideration when putting together an LLC. First, you will have to register the LLC with the Texas Corporation Commission (TCA). Second, you will need to register the business with the Secretary of State. Third, all of the paperwork and business filings will need to go through the jurisdiction of the Texas Sate.

  • The first thing you should know when filing an LLC in Texas is that you will need to designate a legal name for your business. The name you select will be the “registered agent” for the LLC. A registered agent is responsible for receiving all of the faxes and phone calls related to the formation of the LLC. In addition to having this responsibility, the registered agent must also follow the instructions given by the Court and provide all necessary information to the Court on a timely basis.
  • When filing an entity name request with the Texas Sate, you will need to provide the name of the registered agent, the business address and the owner or owners name (first, last and middle name if there are more than one). Additionally, you will be required to provide a copy of your tax identification. All of these documents are now available online from the Texas Sate’s website.
  • Once you have filled out all of the forms and filed with the appropriate paperwork, you will now be able to officially start your new business. You will need to notify the Texas Sate within a specific period of time. This is regardless of whether or not the LLC has already been filed. If your paperwork is still needing to be processed after this date, you should contact your local Texas State Tax Commission.
  • As long as you are working under the guidelines that are provided by the law, your business can be operated as long as you have not previously failed to report your business income. The state will also consider any other types of outside licenses that you hold. This includes things like real estate licenses and professional licenses, as long as they were acquired in compliance with all of the appropriate laws. The Texas Secretary of State will be able to provide you with a list of all of the things that you need to do in order to operate a legal business in Texas.

All of the paperwork for obtaining the proper business licenses in Texas can be done online with ease. There are forms that can be downloaded online, and then there are entire online databases of everything that you need to know about Texas business licenses and other types of business licenses. When you need to get your business up and running, it is important to remember that completing all of the necessary paperwork in a timely manner is vital. Not only will it allow you to operate your business legally, but you will also feel confident knowing that you are getting all of the licenses that are needed for your business properly.

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